
Custom Middleware in Laravel

In the ever-evolving world of web development, managing HTTP requests and responses.

Understanding Middleware in Laravel
In Laravel, middleware plays a crucial role in handling HTTP requests. It sits between the incoming request and the application’s core logic.

Implementing Custom Logic Middleware middleware file named Custom Middleware
Laravel’s middleware offers a comprehensive suite of built-in middleware for tasks like verifying authentication, handling sessions, and protecting.

Setting Up Custom Middleware
Let’s embark on the journey of developing and implementing custom middleware in Laravel.

php artisan make:middleware CustomMiddleware

Middleware file named Custom Middleware
This command generates a new middleware file named CustomMiddleware.php in the app/Http/Middleware directory.

Implementing Custom Logic Middleware
Once the middleware file is created, we can define the custom logic to handle the incoming requests.

 namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Closure; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
 class CustomMiddleware { public function handle($request, Closure $next)
 { Log::info('Received request: ' . $request->fullUrl());

        return $next($request);

In this example, the handle method logs the incoming request’s URL using Laravel’s logging system.

Registering Custom Middleware
After defining the custom logic, the next step is to register the middleware within the Laravel application.

 protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // Other middleware entries
    'custom' => \App\Http\Middleware\CustomMiddleware::class,

The ‘custom’ key can be replaced with a name that reflects the purpose of your middleware.

Applying Custom Middleware to Routes
Now that the custom middleware has been registered, it can be applied to specific routes.

Route::get('/example', function () {
    // Route logic here

In this case, the ‘custom’ middleware will be executed before the logic defined within the route closure.

Use Cases for Custom Middleware
Custom middleware in Laravel can serve various purposes, catering to the specific requirements of an application.

1. Logging and Auditing:

Implementing middleware for logging and auditing purposes can help in tracking and analysing incoming requests.

2. Custom Authentication:

Creating middleware for custom authentication mechanisms allows developers to enforce authentication rules based on unique business logic, enhancing the application’s security.

3. Request Filtering and Modification:

Middleware can be used to filter and modify incoming requests based on specific criteria, ensuring that only valid requests reach the application’s core logic.

4. Performance Monitoring:

Custom middleware can be employed to monitor the performance of various components within the application, providing insights into potential bottlenecks.

Best Practices for Custom Middleware Development
While implementing custom middleware, adhering to certain best practices can ensure efficient and maintainable code:

1. Keep Middleware Concise:

Focus on a single responsibility for each middleware to maintain clarity and improve code maintainability.

2. Handle Exceptions Gracefully:

Implement error handling mechanisms within middleware to gracefully manage exceptions and errors that may occur during the request-response lifecycle.

3. Use Middleware Parameters:

Leverage middleware parameters to make the middleware more flexible and customizable, catering to diverse use cases without excessive duplication.

4. Follow PSR Coding Standards:

Adhere to the PHP-FIG PSR coding standards to ensure uniformity and readability of the codebase.


Custom middleware in Laravel is a powerful tool that empowers developers to manage HTTP requests and responses effectively, enhancing the functionality and security of their applications. By creating custom middleware tailored to specific requirements, developers can implement intricate business logic, enforce security measures, and optimize the application’s performance seamlessly.